Edward Said
was a born 1 November 1935 and died 25 Sep 200. He was a Palestinian American literary
theorist and famous critic theorist in Post colonial literature. He was educated in Cairo before continuing his
studies&developing his career in America. He was professor in English
literature. Book ‘‘Orientalism’’ was published in 1997. Orientalism is all about imaginative or
problem of society, political, religion and that is a material age of
Orientlism. If they can have most important of the ‘‘Orient’’ or ‘‘Occident’’ it’s connected with east or west part of
the world. Edward was challenging the concept of "East" or "West" country and they have clarify to the society.
Edward Said; Orientalism

can be discuss and analysis and corporation for institution for dealing with
orient or dealing it by making statement about it authorizing view of it,
describing it, by stealing it, ruling over it: in short Orientalism as a
western style for dominating and for and have authority over the Orient."
The term “Orientalism” derived from Latin word east. Orientalism is
irrational, power of structure, it is more important of the view. There are
most important theme White man burden linguistic of the way. Edward Said is
the European or American people thinking, political issue or Orientalism. Two
theme followed by Knowledge and power. Orientalism is not an airy European fantasy
about an orient, but a created body of theory and practice in which, for many
generations, there has been a considerable material investment. Orientalism
divided in two part of “Ours” and “Their” are consequence of the way. studies are east
or west is connected with “Orient” or “Occident” Orient is middle east of the world
What is "Orient"
The "Orient" mean "East". It is traditional for anything
that belong to the "Orient" or "East" and its Eastern
culture. Orient historical name are "Ori"
What is "Occident"
"Occident mean "The West" the countries of the west, especially European and
"Orientalism is and does not simply represent a considerable
dimension of modern, Political, intellectual culture."
Orientalism divided the part
“My Orientalism is Middle East or Islam”
Orientalist Points the slight change in the
of the Europeans towards the Orientals. History, method,political and academic
is a more important of the oriental. Qualification is that ideas,culture, and
histories cannot seriously be understood. Human make history, human make their
agency it your life. The Orientalism seizes on preconceptions such as there and
uses them to define the entire religion and culture that
it. Immediately upon doing that an
Japan, china and other sections of regions were not important because one could
discuss Europe's experience of the Near Orient. Orientalism is not just idea or
valuable because it material and they are connected with power. Rena was works
important are science, philosopher and idea of Orientalism.
In the final section of
Orientalism, Said moves away from literary criticism to both academe and the
media. Early Orientalism didn’t traditional and interacted, And new orients
lived with them as if they were one of them. The interchange between the
academic and the more or less imaginative meaning of orientalism is a constant
one. Even in Second World War & in ArabIsraeli wars, the Arab is increasingly &
repeatedly stereotyped. Arab is blamed for oil shortages. The Arab is also
disrupts of the Israel and the west's existence. There appreciated life style,
new trend, language or culture but they have other followed by role. Previous
or future of orientalism was that culture/religion of orientalism. Thus, Islam was called mohammadism and Christ was called Christianity. Islamic orient was not enjoyed because they are part of old
tradition and not involve into orient new tradition. Gibb or Massignon was the most famous Islamic oriental of this time. All the
Europeans colonies were lost and it was believed that there no more “Orientals”
and “Occidents” they not really.
Edward said that Orientalism are
structures or constricting of the
Said also now associates the Orientalist drive with the 'mission civilsatrice' and with a move towards modernization. He shows the
European-Western Imperial power along with the confused feelings of the
Oriental countries towards the Western power. Said concept of very challing or
they have clarify to the Orientalism.
Orientalism is all about geography, intellectualism, history and
corporate of the way.
How can you be a student of English Literature. Your sentence formation does not make any sense. Poor English